The proven investment system for business owners to help turn business profits into a profitable investment portfolio and maximise wealth.


“Level up your MONEY GAME”
“Create an EXIT PLAN from your business”
“Create more MONEY, more FREEDOM, more LIFESTYLE”

Being in business because you have to be, versus being in business for the love of it are 2 very different things.

The majority of Business Owners go into business to create freedom, extra income, and a better lifestyle.


So…how is that working out for you?


If you were to sell your business today, how much would you get for it?

(For most, it wouldn’t be enough to fund a comfortable lifestyle for you and your partner into retirement.)

Are you paying yourself wages and superannuation?

(If you’re not you should be and you need to know why, it affects your future income)

Do you have RIGHT business structure pivotal in protecting yourself, your business and your family.

(This is super important for assets and lending within your business)

If you are stuck in your business with no exit plan in sight, we can show you the investment system we’ve designed especially for business owners that can help you turn your business profits into a profitable investment portfolio, to deliver long term passive income.

Business Owner Success Stories

Belinda, SBO

“At 55 years old, I’ve gone from business start-up of $50 per hour, to revenue of $440,000 within 3 years. This now gives us the freedom to invest in property and other wealth creation strategies, creating passive income for our retirement.”

Fabio, SBO

Working with Profits to Portfolio team has been one of the best experiences of my life. I will never again just rely on my business to fund my lifestyle, my business cash-flow now grows my investment portfolio.

What will I learn at this eye-opening event?

 ✔️ How to create the exit plan from your business with an investment portfolio delivering long term passive income

✔️ How to set up the ultimate asset protection system to protect you, your family, your business and quarantine your risk

✔️ Where to be putting your money in this market and economy to be profiting now

✔️ How to grow multiple income streams even while you are busy with business

✔️ A proven wealth system which creates more profit, more income and more freedom in less time

✔️ Knowing how to choose the right team of A players

✔️ How to build a diversified investment portfolio without taking any more of your time

✔️ How to access insider investment deals and never again shop retail

Learn from real world Investors and Business Owners who have 20 plus years experience.

6:15pm - 6:30pm
Check in, networking, drinks and nibbles.
6:30pm - 6:45pm
Introduction to the profits portfolio team and an overview of our 20 years of investing and business lessons learnt after working with thousands of investors and helping investors secure over $4 billion in deals.
6:45pm - 7:00pm
Building personal wealth as a business owner.
Get unstuck and craft your exit plan.
7:00pm - 7:30pm
The Profits to Portfolio Wealth system

  • BWBF System
  • Ultimate Asset protection
  • Star team
  • Income Freedom Formula
7:30pm - 8:00pm
Accessing the insider deals.
8:00pm - 8:15pm
Questions and Answer time with our team.

How can I make my wealth grow faster and safely with bigger deals? Making your plan for property investment, wealth and success!

How much does it cost?

This event is completely FREE to you, as a Business Owner. That’s right, ZERO cost and just a few hours of your time.

That means you get a full evening with REAL Business and Property Mentors that normally charge thousands for their time. 

Successful business owners know how to make money in business. However most don’t have a strategy, system or knowledge of what to do with it afterwards; to grow it faster with the limited time they have in their day.

There are many intricacies and moving parts to being in business, that PAYG employees don’t have to contend with. This brings different challenges, but also different opportunities which are available to you if you have the right system.

We are going to show you how you can maximise your assests with the ‘Profits to Portfolio’ Wealth System, which we’ve refined over 20 years and designed to make sure that after years of being in business and putting in the hard yards, that you build the wealth you deserve.

Our team are Experienced Investors and Business Owners with real world results and they’re going to be sharing with you the system to help take your wealth and investments to the next level.

'Building Wealth as Business Owners' Seminar

Sydney Event - 17th June

Venue: Level 6, 54 Miller Street - North Sydney
Start time: 6:15pm

Melbourne Event - 19th June

Venue: Level 1, 464 High Street - Prahran
Start time: 6:15pm

Brisbane Event - 24th June

Venue: Ground Floor, 154 Melbourne Street - South Brisbane
Start time: 6:15pm

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The information on this site, including statements, opinions and documents available on this site is for general information purposes only. It does not contain financial advice, and does not take into account your objectives, circumstances, or needs. Members and representatives of the Positive Real Estate are not licensed to give advice in relation to financial products, including Self-managed Superannuation Funds. You should obtain your own financial, taxation and legal advice before making any investment decision.

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