We are 26 years of age and already have $1.4 million of property in our portfolio

My parents retired in their mid 50’s through property, so when we decided we needed to find ways to get ahead financially, we realised that property investing would be a great way to do it. Everyone told us it would be too hard at our age to get started, as we had virtually no experience; however a chat to our Positive Coach, for guidance, set us on the right path straight away. 

We made a plan and saved our first deposit for an investment property over 12 months, and with developers contributions and the right advice we were able to get into the market place sooner than we thought. To date we’ve bought 2 investment properties, 1 in VIC and 1 in QLD and our current strategy is to purchase properties in growth areas and rents that provide positive cashflow. Plus this year we settled on our first home to live in, located in Brisbane giving us approximately $1.4 million worth of property in our portfolio. 

Our goal is to have the option to retire in our 40’s on a passive income of 6 figures, from our property investments. We know we can do it! We’ve already bought 3 properties in just two years with help from our Positive Coach, mapping out our investing strategy (because you need one!) and what that will look like over the next few years.

We are only in our mid 20’s and already excited and confident about our future finances and retirement goals. I think for anyone who is still undecided, or still sitting on the fence… just take the first step. It’s the ‘waiting game” that will stop you from achieving your financial goals, because property is a long-term strategy. The sooner you can enter the market, the better-off you will be financially in the future.

It’s never too early to start investing… Want to know how they did it?

Property Investment Masterclass

We are going to show you, the system we’ve developed with…


20 years+ experience in property investing and
6,500+ clients coached in 2 countries…
Build a multi million dollar portfolio in under 10 years
Both experienced and first-time investors tell us they gain invaluable information from our Property  education events.

During our 2 hour masterclass we’ll show you the best ways to succeed as a property investor in today’s market. We will share with you our best strategies having spent the last 20 years as property investors ourselves, and from providing personalised coaching to over 6,000 clients. With over $4.6 billion dollars in property sales completed with our guidance and support, we know what works and we plan to share it with you!

“Great seminar in Sydney tonight! Thanks for everything, I have really enjoyed it and most importantly, I have learned from it and will be applying in the future.”

M Vasiliauskaite

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