Live Webinar with Jason Whitton

23rd January – 7:00pm (AEST- Brisbane)

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Register Now

60 minutes of successful strategies and tips for property investors.

Why you should register for this Webinar.

It’s hard to sort through fact from fiction, so we’ve made it easy for you to work out your next step in your property investment journey. Our property coaches are real world investors and qualified experts. We’ve paid attention and know what works and what doesn’t. Our team stay up date with the news and market changes, and implement real-life strategies for long term investment and financial sustainability.

This is a high value event, your only investment is 1 hour of time to see what you can learn from Jason Whitton, founder of Positive Real Estate and an experienced real estate Investor. Whether you have 1 property or 10 this Webinar will show you how you can take your property investing to the next level in any type of market conditions.

REGISTER NOW for your free seat and and see why Positive Real Estate are 2x Winners of the Investor Choice Awards in Education.


What you’ll learn on the night

✔️ How to retire earlier and with passive income from our successful property investment strategies

✔️  Best types of properties to purchase to achieve your individual goals and strategy

✔️ Reduce your tax bill and get more money back in your pocket – each week

✔️ How to pay your home off – in 15 years or less

✔️ Where your weekly pay goes and how you can make it go further

✔️  How to use your home equity to invest in your next property

✔️ The best markets to buy into for wealth – and the ones you should avoid

Want to build a $3 million dollar portfolio over the next 3-7 years? Then turn that into a $6-8 million dollar portfolio over 10-15 years? PLUS simultaneously reduce your tax and pay off your home to create large chunks of spare cashflow for retirement.

“Your webinar was great! I learnt more in that hour than I have over the last 6 months of reading and researching. Everything you said Jason made perfect sense. I now feel like I’m ready to take the plunge. Thanks again!”

– Julie H

Secure your Seat

Thank you for your interest, this event has now ended.


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