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How to Start Investing in Property in Australia

By Sam Saggers

I was amazed when someone first introduced me to the idea that I could work part-time on my fortune by buying real estate and still work full-time…

I had not thought such a tremendous opportunity could exist with an opportunity that was ethical, fun and lucrative.

What you will learn in this book is a result of decades of modifying, testing and applying the techniques of buying real estate well. Sam will be sharing with you the simple, easy ideas and techniques that will propel you along the path of strong prosperity.

One of the greatest things you will discover about investing in real estate for financial freedom is that you can do it part-time!

You will not need to dramatically change your existing busy life, and the knowledge you gain from this book will permanently change the way you approach real estate investment.

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A Property Investment Company in Australia

Positive Real Estate is helping you build your future with wealth creation and professional services through property investment. We’re a company delivering guidance and strategies to enable our clients to take control of their future by building their wealth through real estate opportunities.

Since 2003, we have coached over eight thousand clients in two countries using the expertise of our six-star team – mentors, lending specialists, property deals team, property management team, accountants and financial planners. Combined, we take the guesswork out of long-term successful investing in real estate in Australia.