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Town Planning: The Treasure Map Of Real Estate Wealth

by | Jan 27, 2021 | Podcasts, Urban Property Investor

Listen to the Urban Property Investor Podcast Now

Town planning can make or break your investment. For every billion people there is on earth, you need a trillion dollars of infrastructure to service them. With the population rising, you can be sure to find real estate on the treasure chest of wealth. If cities and towns aren’t planned well though, your investment can be a recipe for disaster.

This is a code-cracking episode of the most important kind! I hope you enjoy!

4:10 – YIMBY and NIMBY

15:28 – Town Planning and The World in 2050

19:58 – The only way Sydney can grow is up

22:52 – Tips for victorians

26:48 – Australia’s Vision for 2050

32:48 – The 3 Big Drivers of Town Planning

40:58 – Functionality

45:30 – Renewal

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